How to view Visualizations

How to view Visualizations#

QIIME 2 View#

QIIME 2 visualizations can be loaded at QIIME 2 View.


This video on the QIIME 2 YouTube channel illustrates how to use QIIME 2 View.


If you’re using q2cli on a computer with an active display (i.e., not one that you’re connected to over ssh), you should be able to view your visualization by calling qiime tools view.

Jupyter Notebooks: Experimental#

QIIME 2 Visualizations can be viewed and interacted with inline in Jupyter Notebooks. Before starting your Jupyter server, run the following command:

jupyter server extension enable --py qiime2 --sys-prefix

Then, after starting your Jupyter server (e.g., by running jupyter notebook or jupyter lab), you can view a visualization by referring to it (i.e., its repr will be the interactive view) as follows:

import qiime2
v = qiime2.Visualization.load('./taxa-bar-plots.qzv')